Saturday, October 9, 2010

Migma Elektra Deluxe

Time for another East-German guitar! Here is a Migma Elektra Deluxe - and like usually for this kind of guitar, there is little to know about it. It is from the 70s, and there was also a Musima version of it (regular followers of this blog know about this, otherwise click on the Musima /Migma label below), with a slightly different body shape, and a more sober finish.

Because the finish of this one is quite astonishing, and at first I thought it was a recent and eccentric retrofit, but I found out that some Migma guitars had this kind of accordion plastic finish that you find also on Hagström or Eko guitars of the 60s, when the whole music world switched from accordion hell to the beautiful guitar era. This finish is actually more tasteful than the usual blue sparkle, mother-of-toilet-seat or faux-wood, and makes this guitar quite a looker. 

I would consider adding it to my budding communist guitars collection, if its mislead eBay seller didn't ridiculously overprice it. I hope that the guitar won't sell and that these instruments can still be bought by musicians and not only vintage speculators. 


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