Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Inter-Mark Cipher

This, apparently is a rare 1960s Inter-Mark Cipher guitar. I know nothing about it, and have not previously heard of the brand, which may be meaningless anyway seeing as so many guitars in the 1960s and beyond were re-badged depending on what stores they were being sold in. It could be Japanese, but to my eyes it has an Eastern European look to it.

If anyone knows any more or can identify this guitar, please let us know!

(My Rare Guitars has a 1970s semi-hollowbody Inter-Markguitar from Japan, but that doesn't necessarily mean to say that the above pictured guitar is also Japanese, especially if Inter-Mark were a brandname rather than an actual manufacturer).

G L Wilson

Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 9th year!

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