Monday, July 11, 2011

1930s Epiphone Electar 7-string lap steel featuring stunning Art Deco design

Here's an early Epiphone from way before the company had any links with Gibson. We've seen guitars before with an Art Deco design to them; none seem to pull it off more successfully than lap steel guitars such as this Epiphone Electar 7-string lap steel, which the seller claims is from the late 1930s. This would partly be because being a lap steel instrument it's not subject to the same ergonomic constraints as a guitar played "Spanish" style, if I may borrow that antiquated term. Also, if it's from the 1930s then it's the correct period for this style of design so it's the real thing and not just a latter-day homage. I particularly like the ocatagonal control knobs which look as if they might be made from bakelite, although I can't imagine why there would be two tone controls for just a single pickup.

G L Wilson

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