Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yamaha's coolest guitar designs : SGV & SG-2C

yamaha sgv300 | sg3a

Another extremely lovable Japanese guitar is the Yamaha SGV-300 (the blue one). It's usually credited as a surf guitar, but if I'd play one (when I play one, soon enough I hope), my music would have nothing to do with surf music - I hardly know what surf music is, and the little I know comes from Tarentino's soundtracks - and again I don't understand why a specific guitar design should influence the style of music one would play on it! Anyway, when plugged in a couple of fuzzboxes and a Metal Zone, any guitar is suitable for extreme noise.

Couldn't resist to show its bizarre cousin the Yamaha SG-2C, also from the late 60s, not so sexy and sharp, but still an interesting design - that actually works better on the bass model (SB-2C). The SGV and the SG-2C share this great headstock, both elegant and ergonomic - I'm always surprised that it didn't have a bigger legacy...

Contrarily to the SGV, this guitar was never reissued and is not so easily found, I was happy to find this great Japanese webpage that show an incredible collection of vintage guitars, a. o. several models of Tokai Hummingbirds (that answers my interrogation about the upside-down Hummingbird, actually a regular model).

And since I talk about websites, I advise you to have a look at the Guitar Garage, a blog about guitar repair and refinish, with not only nice pictures of vintage models but their whole rejuvenating process extensively documented, very interesting indeed, it's worth taking the time to explore it all.

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