Friday, March 27, 2009

Where's Konrath? Blog Tour Day #27

To promote my horror novel, AFRAID, which debuts March 31, I'm tattooing the release date on my son's forehead. Ha! Kidding! I'm appearing on different blogs every day in March.

Please follow my daily journey, and broaden your blog-reading horizons. Commenting on the guest posts at the blogs I visit is a classy touch, too.

First I explain how to get results while marketing, over at Karen Syed's blog:

Then I bounce over to Kaye Manro's blog, where I once again talk about writing sex scenes, and the sex in my new Jack Daniels novel. But this time, the sex is in the villain's point of view. Graphic excerpt included:

Over at Write First, Clean Later, I visit LJ Sellers and talk about the effectiveness of blog touring. If you're thinking about trying it, take note:

I visit Sean Markey and answer some questions about writing Afraid. There's also a chance to get Afraid for free:

There's a nice review of Afraid at The Farm Report. Scroll down to read it. I have to quote part of it, because I liked it so much:

"SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING . . . DO NOT READ AT NIGHT: I’m a pretty fearless guy. My immediate reaction on hearing something go bump in the night is to move toward that sound, unarmed, but ready to kick some ass.

I may have to change my method after reading Afraid (Grand Central, $6.99) by Jack Kilborn. This may be the scariest book I have ever read. It makes the most twisted Stephen King novel read like He’s Just Not That Into You."

You can read the whole review here:

Incidentally, I thank Stephen King and Dean Koontz in the acknowledgments of Afraid, because I'm indebted to their work in the genre. I wonder if they'll ever read it. How cool would that be?

If you missed my page 69 and 99 tests, there's a recap, along with an excerpt from an interview, over at Author Interviews:

That brings the blog tour total up to 87 locations. Will I hit the elusive 100? Has any fiction writer ever been on a hundred blogs in a single month? Will I get some kind of award if I do?

Don't change that channel, and stay tuned...

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